Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Book Week

Book Week

Hey!! Welcome back guys to another weekly blog post! So lets get strait into it! Oh right bird call . . . jokes this weeks bird call comes from the shining cuckoo, a native species of cuckoo which migrates to the Solomon Islands to escape the New Zealand winter. A slim, sparrow sized bird with a metallic green and bronze tone. (They have just arrived back to New Zealand, and I can even hear them in the mornings when I wake up!)  Another interesting fact about these birds id that it doesn't build its own nest nor does it raises it's young, usually laying its eggs in the nest of a grey warbler, and the poor grey warbler treats the chick as its on, even though its way bigger than the warbler itself.  

Alright so lets get back into this blog post for real now. . .  
This weeks topic is . . 
What are my favorite book week events?  well first up on our list is the 

Golden Ticket hunt! 

Probably my favorite one, if I don't say so myself. . . So the intermediate teachers goes of and hides this 'Golden Ticket' around the school and we had to try and find them with the clues the teachers have posted on the blog. Whoever lays their hands upon the ticket first wins! (You know. . . trying to recreate the book scene: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) Some people went hard out, sitting down on the PCs creating shifts constantly pressing the F5 button just waiting for the next clue to arrive. But when it does appear on the screen there's a mad rush as everyone storms out of the door, trying to find the Golden Ticket. Chairs toppled over, books 
wiped clean off the desks, and bodies pushing 
and shoving trying to be the first to get a gimps of the Ticket.  
But I eventually found one!

southpark  south park comedy central black friday 17x07
The guy in the middle is like me trying to get the Ticket. . .

Book Character day & Book Quiz! 

For the book Character day I went as Obi wan kenobi. (A Star wars character) and the Quiz actually went alright so there was a quiz that was held in the library, there were 4 rounds, the first round was year 1&2's next was year 3&4's then 5&6's and lastly 7&8's and the house captains chose only four people from each year to represent their year and 
their house my house (Evens) 
ummmm . . . well . . . did alright. . .
 but we didn't win and we weren't 
last. . . I think 

Kate De Goldi

On Tuesday, during book week still within the book theme, a special guest came in to talk to us, a special someone called kate de gold, a well known author who has written many great books. So she came in and talked her books giving many great advice and tips and how she thinks up of book ideas and the process of which the ideas go through for those future writers out there. And also Kate De Goldi talked about her life, and how she grew up which I thought was every cool and interesting.  

Thanks guys for reading this weeks blog post. . . stay tuned for next weeks post bye!!!


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