Tuesday 17 February 2015

Welcome Back Guys!

Happy New Year Guys! 

Hello and Welcome to intermediate year sevens, and year eights welcome back, I cant wait for an awesome year thins year! 
(well I know this is a bit late to say this but I still hope it's memorable to some of you readers. For me personally I am really looking forward to this year. You know like being house captain this year and all...


Year eight are all feeling familiar with this years task system and all you new people out there you 
will definitely pick it up soon enough. I love the task system because I love the occasional Challenge The teamwork involved in some weeks and some some times you can be in for a treat!

But there is always a downside, I think its the fact that the three classes don't spend much time together. If I had to change some stuff on how the classes run then I would make room 8, 11, and 12 have more time together and switch for maths and stuff. But we do have three classes now, teachers I don't blame you, but that just confuses everything! I also think that we should do more research activity in buddy's or even groups! Cause I love doing those stuff. 

And remember.................

So make the most of 2015! 
and wish you all the best of luck year sevens!


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