Monday 12 October 2015


  'Chit' 'Chit' 'Chit'                                                 
Hello everybody!!                                               How was all of your holidays. . . ?                       Good. . . ?                                                           Well that's great!  I had a pretty decant holidays as well. But I will get into more of that later. First things first, your probably wondering what the bird call is from... well to the right, is a picture of a Whitehead, which just happens to be the bird call of the week.     This adorable bird is only found in the north 
island, usually seen in flocks of 10-20 while 

Alright, that's enough of that, lets get into the real blog post for this week. so continuing on from before. . . The first few days mostly consisted of chilling. . .                                                 . . .and yoghurt story! Mmmm!                                                       Slowly, Wednesday arrived. My brothers and I spent the following 3 nights at our grandparents house in Palmerston north. Then on Saturday morning our parents picked us up and headed to our beach house on castleclif beach. 

So this was the beach that we stayed at. (Above) It was really nice, 
Well maybe when the tide wasn't in. because then there wouldn't 
be any beach to play on. . .  lol. 
We weren't at the beach the whole time though. we went off to do 
other activities, such as going to Virginia lake, with the cool light 
shows at night!  

We also had a bush walk at bushy park and saw some really 
cool birds. . . hehe. They include Stitchbird, New Zealand
Falcon, Saddleback, Tomtit, New Zealand Robin, Grey Warbler,
Fantail, New Zealand Pigeon, Tui.
That was probably the biggest highlight from the holidays!! 
(Don't Judge me) The only downside in that bushy park trip was 
leaving. . .  

New Zealand Falcon
New Zealand Robin
Grey Warbler
New Zealand Pidgeon

Random Fact of the day. . .

Meet The Morning and Evening Star: Venus Discover the horrify facts about Venus at: Image via

By the way this is what Sulphuric acid does...


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