Monday 16 June 2014


Egypt more than 3000 thousand years ago, which started out as upper and lower Egypt but then united by the first pharaoh. But what's more, this advanced civilization built to the skies and and worked hard  for the pharaohs to create constructions far from our imagination. Like the most recognizable sculptures such as the Sphinx and the pyramids of giza, are few of what these advanced Egyptians built.
What I mostly learned from was doing my double page spread which some people may think I'm crazy but I actually like doing stuff like that. It was so fun and it made me improve on my Egyptian Knowledge and my Knowledge on word and page layout and the cool art and group activities we did. I just learned heaps like Baboons were trained to climb fig trees to help with the harvests, (They had Baboons in the desert!)       Young boys were paid to be scarecrows! Frightening birds with loud noises and sling shots, the whole purpose of mummification was to preserve the dead person's body, and even the great sphinx was once beautifully coloured with bright reds and blues etc.      

Bye Bye For now :)


  1. Don't worry, I really enjoyed doing the double page spread too- it was surprisingly fun!

  2. your intro is awesome and i never knew they had baboons in Ancient Egypt

    P.S you might want to change the size of your font
