Sunday 7 June 2015

EPIC Values!

EPIC! Empathy, perseverance, integrity and last but not least Creativity. Put all these together and we have EPIC our school values. 
...and to all those people who still don't know the meaning for these 4 important words, they are listed, and with their meanings below for you..

 is the capability to understand what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of point of view.                                                       

*example-  feel the same emotions of other people.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Perseverance is doing something despite the difficulty or delay in achieving success.    *example- Sometimes for a dog to find a bone it might have to dig a little deeper.  (I know, I know, I know bad example...)  

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong meaning for things.                         *example- To put your dog on a leash and to pick up after it.  (I know what you mast be thinking... These examples keep getting worse and worse!) 

Creativity is when something new and somehow valuable is formed. 
*example- idea, a scientific theory, an invention, painting, a song, a joke, etc are all examples of creativity. 

OK, so now we have that out of the way, and I think we all are familiar with these by now and can recognize what these positive actions can influence and help others in the school. 

Now on to myself...

Firstly I'm gonna get the hardest one to me out of the way. So for me I would probably be Integrity and maybe a little bit of perseverance too. 
I guess I'm not that honest and sometimes can give up on some stuff...       

This time I'm going to start off with Creativity, as most of you know I can be a little bit creative... ok, a LOT creative and most people think I'm creative because that fits into art. Well it does but I can also be skillful and I have a lot of great ideas I guess that's because I get inspired by other peoples work and they also get inspired by me, which I then get inspired from them, which gets... Well you get the idea! 

This one is surprising an easy one, well for me anyway. Whenever I see someone hurt of upset, I go up to them, sit next to them and comfort them. Sometimes even the littlest things can cheer people up, like the simple whats wrong? Because some people Instantly feel better when they know someone is looking out for them. 

Our school values are an important part of this school, and my goal for you readers and myself is to embrace those goals that you have trouble with. HAY! That would be a good one for perseverance! 


In the comments section below please tell me what values your good at!?!


  1. I'm pretty good at all the values except for integrity. I have some trouble with that one often. Anyway nice post Tyler! Your posts are AMAZING! Well done.

  2. I like the cat picture with the pug! And yea i agree with Shazza, integrity is preetyy tricckkky....

  3. This blog post is Epic!
    Comment on my blog!

  4. For me empathy isn't just feeling sorry for obvious victims. How about murder, robbers, ect.? What drove them to do these things? Did they want to do them? What kind of life have thy had? Are they unhappy now? Why?
