Monday 15 June 2015

Guten Tag!

Guten Tag, Jungs! Wie geht es dir heute? Nun, ich weiß, was an diesem Tag noch besser zu machen! Lesen dieser Nachricht!
Ok, ok I did use google translate... and most of you probably don't even know what it says... or means so here is the translation:
here is the translation: Good day guys! How are you doing today? Well I know what will make this day even better! Reading this post!

All the year 7 & 8 in the school st. Benedict's A.K.A Intermediate classes of rm 8, 11, & 12 are learning this extraordinary language. 
I've also heard that we are also going to learn a little bit about their culture and land marks... (Well that's what that guy in the video said anyway) 

I've learn't heaps during our lessons, like Greetings, Farewells, Positive words, Negative words, days of the week, Titles (as in Miss and Mrs) Countries, asking what your name is, numbers, how are you, how old you are, family members, etc...  
I've really enjoyed this language so far, and I think it will be useful in the future because I can say secretive thing without anyone knowing (hehehehe) and also I can go to Germany and know a background of their language and can actually know what they are saying. 
Even though it would be cool to continue learning this language in the future I don't think I'll learn it in more detail though. To be honest I don't really have any plans for collage about the languages I'll want to study. Hopefully I'll come up with a plan soon. But in the meantime...

Thank you for reading this post Auf Wiedersehen! A.K.A Goodbye!

Don't forget to comment bellow!


  1. Hey! You copied me with the first few lines! No fair! And I was the first one to publish my post so u can't say that u were the first! TY-TY! Eh, anyway. Nice post.

  2. Did I oh soz I didn't realize!
