Monday 7 September 2015



"Weet"   "Weet" 
I'm back once again for this weeks blog post and this weeks bird call comes from the Wrybill. this bird is endemic (found nowhere else in the world) and is fully protected (because there is only about 5, 00 or so of them left) They breed on riverbeds in Canterbury and Otago but after breeding season they migrate North to the North island.
Our writing topic for school is poetry, over the weeks we have covered loads of different poem styles such as...
  • Squash Clubs
  • I hear
  • Limericks
  • Quatrains
  • Emotional poems 

The poems I'm going to share with you 
today are my emotional poems. 

Anger is a ticking bomb, just waiting to 
But when it does, it’s prison cell erupts,    
A crash of thunder screaming from the sky.
Inferno burning down my body, my cheeks 
alive with red.  
A predator vs prey, a hailstorm as it hits. 
Anger is just fragile ice, it will melt away 
in time.

Fear takes ahold of you, with long prickly 
Lurking in the deepest part, coursing through 
the veins.
It creeps inside, a big black spider taking a 
poisonous bite.
It pounces on the other emotions, a lion attacking 
its prey.
It can visit everyone, but can’t stay for long,  
Fear has an endless diet, it will always come back 
for more…   

So... what do you think?? I can think up of ideas pretty quick, it's 
just the 'making it perfect' stage that always takes ages. It all literal 
comes into my head, and writing down your emotions is way easier 
that saying your emotions out loud. 

...and you got to admit it makes you feel a lot better when you 
express your emotions somehow, it's just like extra slab of weight 
lifted from your back... 
well I guess that's all for this week I'll see you all next time. Bye now...
