Monday 31 August 2015



craig platt nz bird and wildlife artist

'Chee' 'Chee' 'Chee'

Hay!! Everybody! 
Tyler here for another blog post and this weeks bird call is from the 
Silvereye, or waxeye or white-eye... well whatever you want to call it. Yeah well I like to call it a Silvereye. Anyway most of you will be quite familiar with these small noisy birds because they mostly live in parks and gardens. 

All righty lets get into this weeks actual topic... 
Which is to choose our favorite artist, and that person is...

craig platt nz native bird artist, tui, saddlebacks, woodpigeons

Craig Platt

Craig Platt had a strong passion for New Zealand's wildlife. From a 
young age he rescued birds, including sparrows, blackbirds, thrushes 
and many other species that had ether fallen from their nests or were 
hurt and injured....

Yeah, Yeah I know I can just about see you *face palming* in front of 
your computer screens saying
"Tyler, sooooo predictable" ...but just hear me out on this one...
He is really good! some of his art is already featured in some of my
earlier posts. Even this one, for instance, how do you like the very first
pic... the one just under the heading? that has to be one of my favorite
pieces of his. and also how do you like the one just above the heading
saying Craig Platt?

craig platt nz bird artist

The park bench to Craig Platt is a symbol of  trust, craftsmanship and a icon of time and history. The story behind the bench is the first kiss of  Bill and Audrey some 50 or so years back. The bin is a symbol of change, signs of disrespect, with the occurring littering,
graffiti and vandalism.

The white and gray of the gulls are representing the colors of iPhone, smart phones, ipads ipods and other devices, as an image of the modern technology is slowly taking away the craftsmanship the artist's process.       

craig platt nz bird and wildlife artist

Tui Elite 

The meaning of this painting was to go further into the personality of the Tui. trying to make connections of it's almost human characteristics. By putting detail in the eye and making the neck vail presented as if he was ready to welcome of importance. Who knows maybe he is a Rangatira. (A Maori chief or noble)

If anyone is interested in any more of his art... I have put a link bellow...

So yeah CRaig Platt is the artist I have chosen for this weeks blog... 

Okay, well thanks guys for reading this weeks post 
that's all for me please comment below.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Faaaaarrr out that guy is great! And awesome that he rescued birds. Maybe you've found your future
