Sunday 23 August 2015


Fest  (Updated)  

                                                  Hello!! It's Ty-Ty here! Yay           and this weeks greeting call comes from the North Island Kokako (Top left) In the picture. (Bottom middle) is the extinct South Island Kokako. Their songs were very similar. During the dawn chorus their song consist of organ-like sounds. It is beautiful, complex and people describe it haunting the forest.                                                                                                                                    Anyway lets get to the main point...                                                   most of you know, the sport fest is coming up Wednesday to be exact) I'm playing for the mixed team in dodgeball. To be honest... I've only read like half of the rules and they are pretty bizarre and confusing... yip that could be a bit of an issue. 
-Ten people in a team... (right) But only six people on a court at once! 
Well what are the remaining people gonna do then?
turns out that they get to do the fun gob of going out and retrieving 
all the balls outside the court for the team... (I know, I know what a 
terrible excuse but I didn't make up the rules now did I...?)  

Just wait until you get a load of these rules!

-Four ball maximum on each side? 

-If a ball bounces off another ball and hits you, then that's an out!!!

-and going back to the first rule... six people on a court at once! 
How many games are we going to play!?! cause that's sort of unfair
cause depending on how many games we play some people might 
have to go off the court and miss a whole game twice! or ether only 
play one game and have for people missing the game... the math 
just doesn't add up to make it fair. Anyway I hope my team and I 
will have fun and enjoy the whole sports fest overall. 

To make things even we need to come up with a 
descant plan so everyone is happy can can enjoy the day playing 

Okay well that's all for well... today I guess I know it's very short and 
snappy but I have only done half a blog post... come back on 
Wednesday afternoon or if not Thursday, to see the whole post!

and yeah yeah don't worry I'll be back to post the bird info thing at 
the end of my blog once again... (everyone's favorite) 


Okay so i'm now typing from after the sports feast, and I gotta say... that was pretty fun! (Yeah I know we play every Friday afternoon but It was nice to have a bit of a change and play by some different rules, and vs some different people) Oh yeah speaking about those new rules.... to be honest... they weren't as bad as I thought it would have been (I may have over exaggerated a bit in the first half of the blog post) 
Now a question for you all reading this post... how did you like the sport feast? 
Make sure to let me know in the comments below! 

Okay now that we have that out of the way... oh yeah dodgeball!                                                                                                                                   Like most tournaments the first few games were fairly easy (no offence of the other teams)         When it was our time to shine! A.K.A start playing dodgeball... it actually surprised me each game was about 12-14 minutes (I think) and then within that time frame we have to play as many games as possibly... every time a team get all the other teams players out... then that's a point to them and then a new game starts.                                                                                                           So that continues until the countdown starts and the time has Finnish. 

The first round we won (as in played the most games) 
(please tell me if i'm getting this wrong dodgeball peps) 
anyway the first round we WON! but only lost one game

the second round we WON! all of the games I think,
the third round we WON! ...and I cant remember how 
many games we won and lost in that one...

The third one on the other hand, went terribly... we 
LOST? By a mile, the score in the end 
was like 1-5 to the other team (mind them they have 
some people who throw really really hard!!!
and the last game (BY FAR THE HARDEST!!!)
We won... sort of...  we actually drew in the end. 

overall we came third... not too bad if I don't say so myself! 
(and we do, do training like every Friday, lol) 
to put that in perspective we won a 2 basketball and 2
other balls for the school, (I think) Oh and a coupe of 
drink bottles.

...and now for story time with Ty-Ty (don't get too exited the story time is just for this weeks post...)

                                                                             It was a nice day to play dodgeball...                   it was the first game of the whole tournament and it was us vs Raroa,                                           Okay lets cut to the chase here, we were getting thrashed. balls were flying everywhere rocketing pasted, as we desperately tried to dodge, you could hear the loud thumping noise as it smashed against the ground... only centimeters away from us. one by one we retreated to the referee, we were all out. Except for one person...                       
Catherine M. She was the last person standing, our last team mate, our 
last glimmer of victory lies in Catherine, (No presser) The Raroa's coach 
started to chuckle, I called down from the side line, "come on 
Catherine you can do this!" but deep down I knew that this wouldn't last 
long...  I closed my eyes as she placed one foot down ready to through,
with an almighty arm swing... the ball flew through the air, only just landing  
at the edge of the opponents foot. I looked up. the roar coming from our 
team was deafening, clapping and cheering echoed through the building, 
now all eyes from the grand stand was fixed on Catherine. 

Now Raroa was getting angry, they all through each and one of their balls 
at Catherine on a count of three. She dodged! another small cheer from the 
side line 
"You can do this!" someone called. She collected as much balls as she 
could, and rolled them to the other team.... confusion and muttering came 
from our team. 
"What is she doing?" 
Roroa ran towards the balls bending over to pick them up. They took the bait. 
Catherine took another daring though and landed right on the persons back! 
another cheer, again and again she rolled the ball towards the other team 
and then through another ball on top of them. Her trap was working like a 
charm...  Raroa never seemed to learn. until there was one person left.

An endless battle between Catherine and the Raroa person went on for ages, 
throwing and missing throwing and missing. A ball rolled on to the opponents 
side of the court, Roroa screamed! 
"Don't pick it up, don't pick it up!" The world seemed like it was in slow motion... 
he bent down, Raroa jumped up and down, we were jumping up and down, 
the game on the other court looked like it was paused, cause they were all looking 
at Catherine. Foleshly he bent down, Catherine threw the ball, The other person 
quickly saw and stood up, trying to dodge, but it hit him clean! 
Roaring and cheering was heard all through the building. 

Catherine had just one the game for us. Who would have thought! I can't wait 
to see her on the Friday game!





  1. I don't get the all...well can't wait for the rest of your post!

  2. Sorry but I found your blog really hard to read!!!! Good pictures though

  3. The rules in this dodgeball sound so different from ours!
