Monday 10 August 2015

Arty Farty Time


craig platt nz bird and wildlife artist

                                                                                                       Hey guys! So hows your day been... Achieved any tasks yet? Well I've been typing this post from Tuesday and I cant say that I've done any tasks... usually I would have completed half of them by now (so I can have the rest of the week off) But I cant see that happening right now... (Yes I can totally look into the future)   

Usually I do draw at home (as you may have suspected... Obviously) and I do a lot of different types and styles of art, and use a variety of media to do so... like abstract, 

paintings and drawings (and I don't know what this style comes 
under so I'll just through it out there) ...birds. 

Yeah, yeah most of you guys know me by my love of birds, to be more specific, New Zealand birds and my style of art based from my bird passion... Other styles include... Paintings,prints, drawing photography, craft, design, visual arts (such as productions we have here at school) Mixed media, sculpture, Installation and new media (which is art based on technology) 

These are some of the 
art works 

I've done this year, the 
zooplankton was part 
of the Galapagos Island 
topic or evolution topic 
(what surprised me during 
this art is that I am 
good at shading 
which I didn't 
really know that I 
had it in me) 

and the perspective 

one was last term I think, 
and it was for our maths/ 
geometry topic.  

and we all know what

the mask one was for... 
Aztec! all the classes A.K.A 
room 8, 11, and 12 did this 
art piece for our Aztec topic 
this term.

I love Danny Haas's designs, they're retro and fun. I ordered Night Launch as an iPhone 4 cover.spaceship launch (The Destination by Danny Haas)  |  Nissan lead designer Ken Lee shared with me that the spaceship aesthetic was a big inspiration to him in the design for the #newmurano #nissannyias #sponsored
For school we are currently working on some art projects for our school art week. (as you all know) my class (room 12) is doing a theme of space and man made stuff that's up there too, as well as planets and other natural things. 

But I would like to do some cool stuff on spaceships and rockets. (especially when they are taking off so we can do cool designs on smoke and exhaust (is that what you call rocket smoke...) any way I think it's a cool idea.  





  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice post also awesome art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    u da best at art

  3. Hmph. You put ALL THREE of your art work on there.
    Really that proud of them hmmm?

  4. yeah wow thanks tyler that just makes me feel soooooo much better now (sarcastically)

  5. Well yeah I just put a selection of art on this weeks post... to get a bit of a variety going...

  6. Nice post I never knew you were good at shading?

  7. The exhaust thing does look cool. Maybe we should have one wall where everyone can just do any kind of space art - that way everyone gets a choice and we don't just have to pick easy stuff. Hmmm. Let's talk tomorrow.

  8. Hmmmmmmmmm.. Birds?
