Monday 23 November 2015



Arggggggg college, don't get me wrong i am looking forward to it but it's just the fact that's it's quite literally round the corner and everyday it sits there in my mind not a stressful feeling, or a happy one, nor either a sad feeling, I just don't know how to describe it really. . . I'm just sorta concerned a bit that's all, I seriously don't know why I feel this way cause pretty much everyone who's gonna be there next year I know. . . Oh well Lets get into this weeks post shall we?

'Keee-aa' 'Keee-aa' 
Hello and welcome everybody to another weekly blog post this weeks bird call comes from the both playful and destructive kea, the world's only alpine parrot with beautiful scarlet underwings which are revealed during flight. Kea are even rated as one of the most intelligent bird in the world. 

Anyway onto this weeks blog post. . . College just think within just a few months I'll be knee deep with homework per day, completely bombarded with tests, *sigh* and all tests are pretty much the same. . . spend all night cramming info into your head. . . and then it turns out there's questions in that test that you've never learnt about yet! Or those stupid multi question tests where you take a loooooong time sussing out the question and spend majority of the test figuring out the answer and then it turns out your 'answer' isn't one of the options. Geez why can't google sit with me during those 
moments. . . am I right! 

Oh man that reminds me Electricity test tomorrow!!!

It isn't all that bad though, 

Lets look on the bright side of things at least im not moving on completely alone, in fact i'm going going to college with pretty much all the year 8 boys! F.Y.I I'm going to St. Patrick's If I haven't told you yet. Also the subjects I'm tacking next year i'm quite looking forward too like Economics, Business studies, and graphics. . . plus all the compulsory subjects of course.

So yeah there's mixed emotions about going to college next year, this is Ty Ty for another blog post stay tuned for next week! Bye Bye now!

WTF Fun Fact:
