Sunday 17 May 2015

2015 Roles


So this year 2015 I've decided to participate in the following responsibilitys: House Captain, Librarian and also P.E monitor I might have done more but because of the high numbers of intermediate students this year, the possibilities this time was limited. which allowed everyone to have a role in impressibility. 


I love having school responsibilities cause I get to teaching people and helping them.
And each role has different achievements you can work towards. For instance, being a school librarian (which by the way I always wanted to do!) has all these different tasks and jobs you work towards and achieve. There is a Bronze, Silver & Gold award that you can complete and be awarded with ( I'm not gonna tell you guys the set tasks you do, I'm going to leave it up to you to see for yourselves) but when you do finish each category you get to claim a certificate and a chocolate! Their is also a platinum award if you complete them all! 

For the P.E Monitor role which is very fun but important. You look after all the p.e equipment and keep track on all the balls, and report any broken or misused equipment. You are also given the responsibility for restocking equipment and inflating balls. (And can ban anyone if they aren't treating the property as they should be) At lunch times you tack the trolley down to the courts so that the school can get out and play with the property, and occasionally you can help out on junior sport days and other athletic sporting events. 

Now for the House Captain responsibility, probably the most important job of them all                      For this Responsibility you are in-charge of  your whole house group. You and your partner I mean, my partner is James Tuck. and together we come up with creative ways of earning house points and leading our house (Evans) to VICTORY! While making it fun along the way. At Assembly the whole school gathers while one of the classes runs and plans the assembly. Somewhere through it though all the house captains from different houses come together and announces how many points each house earns that week, and at the end of the assembly the teacher awards the most well-behaved house 200 points!       


Overall I think it is a great thing that we have lots of ways that the students can take a responsibility to help out around the school. It can also be really fun! It might also include a badge!

Thank you all for reading this weeks post and i hope i will see you all again next time!


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