Monday 4 May 2015

Mission Fair!

Welcome back once again everyone, Ty Ty here to talk to you guys about the Mission fair.As most of you may be aware of, this years money from the mission fair goes to Vanuatu because of the unfortunate event that happened there    

A Picture of Cyclone pams destruction

All the year 6's and up organize themselves into groups where the plan, buy, and make stuff to sell to the juniors. my group this year was the Carnival express, with Ethan, Abby, Siena, Amelia, Kelsey, Eva, Catherine, Grace, Charlotte and I 

(I Apologize if I left anyone out)    

Cyclone pams path 

Are theme was a carnival if you haven't already found that out... So we had lots of food and fun games for the kids to spend their money on. I was in charge of one of the games, and that was the Chocolate coin toss!


-put chocolate spaced out of table.


-Attract a child's attention and persuade them to play the game (eventual the do fall for it) ask them to toss a coin ontop of a chocolate (not as easy as they thought!) Hahahaha

-Eventually they run out of tosses.

-child gets angry.

-child then spends all his money trying to get a free chocolate...

-child runs out of money... 

-child gets a fruit burst for great effort 


...And that's my simple 5 step plan to success!...TEHE!

Overall our stall was great and in the end the whole school raised about $2350! or something like that anyway...

QUOTE: Some people are so poor, all they have is money Meaning that It means the only riches they have is money, they are poor in knowing whats right and wrong. their poorness is their emotions, money can't buy you happiness, love and friendship


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