Wednesday 13 May 2015


Every two years he would come, make people laugh and smile! But also teach them valuable things about MONEY     *   $Ka-Ching!$   *

So this guy called Vane, I think, came to us to talk about money! (as you all know) He discussed with us all sorts of stuff, like how different jobs earn different amounts of money (HE HE Check out Charlie) Saving money, Earning money, chores, and stuff like credit cards.      
I found this lesson very entertaining and interesting and I learned heaps. (because as some people know, I'm not the best with money.....)

For me there was 3 important steps to get a decent amount of money for people are age. 

-Earning money

Now this can be accomplished in many different ways. Such as doing work around the house, like chores. You could also earn money by doing work for your neighbors, and get a few friends around and set up a stall together. 

Now I don't get payed a lot for chores, but when i do extra, without being told i can add a few dollars to my savings. My advice to all you people out there who don't get payed is to do a little extra sometimes like me, and you'll be acknowledged and rewarded. 

-Saving money

This is definitely important... SAVING! after doing your chores you'll want to save your reward REMEMBER! every little cent counts. 

Don't overlook the small things, cause if you keep earning and saving, washing and saving, mowing and saving, and also cleaning and saving, your little collection will grow... But not quite into a money tree.... *Sad-face* but it will grow into  the next best thing, not a unicorn but a bigger stash of money!

-Bank and interest

But if you have a bank that is definitely the way to save, not in a pig, or under your bed but a bank, Why is this the best way to save and store your money? Its because the longer you leave it in there, the more money you get! 

YES FOR FREE! It's like doing chores but not doing them! It's every child's dream! But........ If you owe the bank some money and you don't pay it in time you get an interest... But this is no good thing! It means you have to pay the bank extra!!!!! dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!   

I feel much more safer around money now!

Good Bye!


  1. When you were check out Charlie and the guy was talking to you it was so funny because your face went like dark red when ever he said something to you (lol). Noice post...... P.S the shrimps have retired so don't get any ideas....

  2. Thank goodness! We can put this whole shrimp vs birds thing to rest...
    for now............................................................................................
